The donkey and the carrot

The picture of the donkey and the carrot

Today, I got a picture in me, I’d love to share with you as it brought some important insights to me, which actually is quite obvious at the end….and maybe one or another knows that feeling.

I found myself being the donkey following the carrot, holding by the persona sitting on my back, who continually drives me forward, giving the feeling – you have to solve this issue, work on that pattern, the feeling that I would need a catalytic, who keeps me going.

Zooming out of that picture and observing it – I have seen that the donkey is actually in the middle of most beautiful juicy gras and surrounded by everything needed, where there is not just enough food but freedom.

So the message was „STOP FOLLOWING THE CARROT“ – because if I just stop and look around – everything is already there and even more. As even if I would have caught the carrot – it would never have filled me up – and this bloody game would start all over again.

So, I started to understand, that I do not need a persona inside of me that keeps me going all the time as it prevents me from seeing what is already there. I stopp following the carrot and kick that persona from my back.

Enjoying life, freedom is right here!

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