The only constant in life is change!

The only constant in life is change. Though, it still takes a lot of courage to make these changes. Because sometimes this means, to leave people behind you, you love and you know it will hurt them and you can feel some sort of loss as well. But beyond that, you know that in your hearts you are always connected and still – tears are shed. But these tears also show you, how much these people and this part of your life meant to you – and that again is love.

So why not stay where I am – we might ask, but if your heart and your inner guidance is calling for you to move on – how could I not follow it? – what kind of love would that be to my self and hence to the people you might stay for – it would not be love – it would be betrayal to my soul and to the others.

So even though, it feels hard to make these steps into the unknown and into a new part in your life – I know, it is time again. And if it would not be for the love, strength and courage I receive from my soul and the spirit world, I would not be able to do it. And that is why I want to say thank you – thank you to my soul and to the spirit world!

And may you always feel the love, strength and courage from your soul and the spirit world, so you can make the steps needed, when the voice of your heart is calling for it. Even if you do not know exactely where it will lead to – sometimes it just needs the first step – there is no right or wrong – there are just experiences.

From soul to soul with love

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